Date: 11/08/2019

By: Henry County

Subject: Credit card repair

I have been working with my boss for about 3 years now before I had to go on vacation, I lost my account details and my credit card to the country I traveled too so all my credit was messed up, a lot of evictions that I couldn't even get a loan, I was so stuck. Thank God for my old time friend Gabrielle, he gave me his assurance and recommended Mr Landon to me and I contacted him via his Gmail He have me his words and to my surprise, within 72hours, I got all my evictions off my credit report and my credit score got upgrade from 403 to 830 I'm so grateful Gabrielle for referring me to Mr Landon and I want to say God bless you. I'm recommening Mr landon to you all as you can contact him via
or Phone +14247898603 and thank me later.

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